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Spiral Goddess Grove

Tribute Altar to the Firefighters, Police & EMTs

of the NY & DC Tragedy

A place for the Prayers of People of All Faiths
Our thoughts are with all those who have been lost in this tragedy

9 - 11 - 2001

We light these flames
In honor of the Firefighters, Police & EMTs who lost their lives
We offer these flames of condolence to their families
Your heroism and sacrifice will not be forgotten
You remind us all of what courage is

We offer these flames to comfort Firefighters and Police who have survived
We offer this small tribute with our deepest Thanks
We weep with you

This Flame burns for Your Firefighter

This Flame burns for Your Police Officer

This Flame burns for Your EMT

To Give Blood:

To Make Financial Contributions:


NY State Fraternal Order of Police Foundation


Main Tribute Page A Quiet Place to Pray and Reflect 

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag and to the Republic for which it stands -
one nation indivisible - with liberty and justice for all."

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* * Pagan 101 * Healing Altar * The Hearth * Human Heritage & the Goddess * Inanna ~ Ishtar Altar * Altar of IsIs * Goddess Jewels * * The Kid's Beach * * * Labyrs Altar * Mary Page * The Muse * Night Mother Grove * Rainbow Heart Grove * Altar of Serenity * SpiralGrove * * Vinca Altar * Ancient Goddess Grotto * Sacred Wall Art * Ocean Mother *
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~Goddess 2000 Project~ * The Book Goddess & Reading List

Artwork by Abby Willowroot1991-2001

Spiral Goddess Grove

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